Sunday, December 16, 2012

Leavers Mass!!!!

Leavers mass was an sad moment for me and the rest of the year 8 students from Saint Pius X school.
We started off with our year 8 reflection movie. It was so cute to see all of us on screen when we were little entrance students. The movie went on until it came up to me when I was a little entrance starter in room 1. I was so embarrassed at myself but it was good to look at and to remember the moments I had in room 1 all the way to now.

After the collect prayer Dorothy, A'leina and Rolland stood up and went to the altar and was getting ready to shine. I was up first with the first reading. It was a reading from the book of Ecclesiastes. To me I think I did a really good job at reading the first reading. I had another job it was to sing the Psalm with my other fellow singers A'leina, Angelica and Rolland. We sang "Thy Word".  We sang our heart and soul and actually nailed singing the Psalm.

Once everything was done, we the year 8's of Saint Pius x school was awarded a Bible and a Candle with all our names on it. It looked spectacular. It was made really well . We all stood proudly in front of everyone and held our new bibles and candles. That was over but there was one more thing to do. It was a farewell presentation, to one of our teachers who was leaving to Tonga and was going to be a teacher there. Her name is Miss Oldfield. We sang her a song and also received a bible and a candle. It was to see her go but great to see her start a new journey with the rest of the year 8 students that were leaving.

Mass was over and everything was done. I was so proud of all the year 8's because in everything they participated I they did it really well and I am pretty sure they were proud of themselves too.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Acrostic Poem!!!!

M- is for Masala restaurant. Masala is the restaurant is were all the year 8 students all attended to on Tuesday the 11 of December.

A- is a All. All of the year 8 students had a fun time at Masala.  

S-is for Saint Pius Year 8 students mostly had butter chicken.

A-is for Amazing restaurant Masala is. 

L-is for Lovely. Masala has Lovely Indian food

A-is for absolutely AWESOME fun and happy time I had at Masala.


Friday, November 30, 2012


CAMPING AT PIHA!!!. I enjoyed walking to the beautiful waterfall. It was pretty long but it was worth the chase. Listening to the babbling noise of the water flowing down the stream.

I got to shoot a bow and arrow, aiming it to the target in front of me. Shooting an arrow for no reason was nerve racking. But I still wish I could shoot some more arrows. After a while The year 7 & 8 had dinner. MMMM that was a scrumptious Dinner. Having a barbeque and eating the yummy meat on my plate.

The last day came and it was time for me to leave Camp Piha, How sad. I arranged my clothes into my bag  and said “Goodbye” and  moved along to the bus. Looking outside as we went I was Excited and sad to leave. I was excited to leave so I could see my family again and sad because the fun was finish at camp.

Monday, October 29, 2012


I have 4 lollies- Je suis quatre bonbons.

I have 10 pencils- Je suis dix crayon.

I have 5 French Sticks- Je suis cinq Baguette.

I have six Croisante- Je suis six  Croisante .

Reflection on The Testing Week!!!!


Testing week was really challenging especially the writing test. It was OMG hard. From hardest to the Sort of easiest I would say Writing, Reading, Star and then Maths. I am so happy it is over. I hope I get  good marks. Fingers Cross.

Monday, October 15, 2012

French Week 1

Today in French I learnt how to greet other people. To help me I used a site called From there I learnt new French  words like:
Bienvenue: Which means welcome.

You can go on the site and learn more French words.