Friday, November 30, 2012


CAMPING AT PIHA!!!. I enjoyed walking to the beautiful waterfall. It was pretty long but it was worth the chase. Listening to the babbling noise of the water flowing down the stream.

I got to shoot a bow and arrow, aiming it to the target in front of me. Shooting an arrow for no reason was nerve racking. But I still wish I could shoot some more arrows. After a while The year 7 & 8 had dinner. MMMM that was a scrumptious Dinner. Having a barbeque and eating the yummy meat on my plate.

The last day came and it was time for me to leave Camp Piha, How sad. I arranged my clothes into my bag  and said “Goodbye” and  moved along to the bus. Looking outside as we went I was Excited and sad to leave. I was excited to leave so I could see my family again and sad because the fun was finish at camp.